Facebook Profiles And Pages can no longer be connected to Linky.

In Short

Facebook has reevaluated the integration of third-party applications into their platform and no longer allows Linky to post to Facebook Profiles and Pages. We had no alternative but to remove Facebook from Linky. We’re sorry.

In Detail

Facebook App Review process has been updated and Linky had to be resubmitted for review to maintain the current API access. On July 5, 2018, Facebook reviewed Linky and removed access to all its permission. To sum up, Link can no longer post to Facebook.

The reason for the rejection is opaque. For most permission, they said, “This permission is not required for your app’s intended function, or it doesn’t appear to enhance the user experience.”

There is one more important thing, beginning August 1, 2018, Facebook will deny all third-party apps to post messages to Facebook Profiles (while it’s still permitted on Facebook Pages). Apps will need to use the “Facebook’s Share dialogs”. It’s something that doesn’t fit in Linky’s user interface and it would also require to integrate their SDK, something we don’t want because of their poor values for users’ privacy.

We had no alternative but to remove Facebook from Linky. We’re sorry.

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